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Contraindications are things or circumstances that prevent you from having therapeutic massage or other wellness treatments.

Please be advised that you Do Not have these following symptoms on the day of your treatment.

For Massage:

* Fever

*Contagious or infectious diseases

*Cancer (unless in terminal stage and then with medical permission)


*high blood pressure



*Varicose Veins

*Broken Bones

*Skin Problems

*HIV Infection

*Under the influence of drugs or alcohol

For Body Treatments:



*Acute Inflammation


*Varicose Veins


*Recent surgery and scars

*Skin disorder, inflammation, eruption or infection


*Under the influence of drugs or alcohol

*Contagious or infectious diseases

For Facial Treatments:

*Acute Acne or Bruises

*Abrasions & Inflammation

*Cold Sores



*Fungal Infections

*Contagious or infectious diseases

*Under the influence of drugs or alcohol

For Manicure & Pedicure:

*Broken fingers or toes

*Bruises, Abrasions & Inflammation

*Contagious or infectious diseases

*fungal infections

*bacterial infection


*skin conditions

*recent fracture

*athletes foot

*Under the influence of drugs or alcohol For


*inflammation of the circulatory or lymphatic system

*ischemic heart disease

*acute rheumatic fever

*diseases of veins

*disease of vessels & lymph nodes (lymphomas)



*injuries of feet or hands (wounds, sprains, fractures, strains or other problems that make it hard to work directly

*under the influence of drugs or alcohol

*infectious skin disease



*Abrasions & Inflammation

*Contagious or infectious diseases

*Under the influence of drugs or alcohol

*Avoid swimming, excersie and sun tanning after waxing 

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